XIII-th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies
SIELA 2003 29 - 30 May 2003, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Communications Technical University of Sofia EAZ Inc. ? Plovdiv House of Science and Technics ? Plovdiv IEEE Bulgaria Section Aims of the Symposium:The aim of the symposium is to provide exchange of information and experiences on the new developments, trends and applications under industrial and academic view points in the field of low-voltage, high-voltage, and electronic apparatus and technologies, as well as to stimulate personal contacts and fruitful cooperation, especially between industrial and academic institutions. Topics:1. Study, design, field problems and optimisation. 2. Materials and technologies. 3. Low-voltage apparatus. 4. High-voltage apparatus. 5. Actuators and sensors. 6. Power electronics. 7. Transformers, electrical machines and drives. 8. Electrotechnological processes and apparatus. 9. Renewable energy and power quality. 10. Business and marketing. 11. Education and training. Call for PapersAuthors are invited to submit papers on the above listed topics. Each author can participate in at most three papers. A one-page digest for each paper should be submitted together with the pre-registration form. It should contain the title of the paper, authors and contact information, a short abstract (5-7 lines), keywords, the main contents of the paper and references. Submitting digests by e-mail is preferred. Accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings.
Language:The working language of the symposium will be English. Exhibition:Exhibition will be organised during the Symposium.