

Treasures have been saved ? to remain in Plovdiv

Treasures have been saved ? to remain in Plovdiv

04.11.2003 00:00:00

(Based on an article in the today?s Maritsa newspaper)

Twenty pieces of Thracian and Greek art and about a thousand silver and gold coins were exhibited  yesterday in the halls of the Plovdiv Archaeological Museum.  The exhibition is named ?Treasures saved to remain in Plovdiv?, and is co-organized by the Plovdiv Regional Police Direction and the Archaeological Museum. The unique jewellery units were found in the rescue excavations of five Thracians mounds in the area of the Plovdiv-region villages Chernozemen and Ruzhevo Konare, from the end of 1999 until 2003.
During that period the detectives have traced and handed to the museum more than 500 fake and original antique items, illegally acquired in a series of treasure-hunting excavations. Among the items rescued is a Thracian armor, dated from the 5th c. AD, as well as a marble head of the god Atis, dated from the first millennium.
"At the moment lawsuits are conducted to define the ownership of the Thracian armor. Therefore the museum has no right to exhibit it ??, is the opinion of Eng. Dimiter Kostov, a popular Plovdiv private collector, a party in that trial?

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