

The celebrations of the Day of Plovdiv

The celebrations of the Day of Plovdiv

05.09.2003 00:00:00

Each city has a special Feast Day to celebrate, and Plovdiv is not exclusion to that rule ? the citizens of Plovdiv celebrate the Plovdiv Day each year on September 6th. Our city will be very beautiful and multi-coloured for this year?s celebrations ? not only the autumn puts its unique colours around but also all the colourful young people, students and children are all back from their vacation. This year?s celebrations have been long prepared, and the city is all bright and clean.
A lot of official guests have been invited for the celebrations, since the Plovdiv Day coincides with the 118th anniversary of the Unification of Bulgaria. The Presidency of Bulgaria will be represented by General Angel Marin, Vice President. The celebrations in the town of Saedinenie (the name of this town means ?unification? in Bulgarian) started yesterday with floral tributes and laying wreaths to monuments of the members in the Unification of Bulgaria. Over 300 marathon runners from eight countries will be running tomorrow, September 6th, the distance from the town of Saedinenie to the Unification Square in Plovdiv. The marathon is 22 km and will start exactly at 9.30 am.
The celebrations in Plovdiv open today, Friday, at 8 pm, on the scene of the Ancient Theatre, with a concert by the Plovdiv Opera-and-Philharmonic Society, as well as with a public address by the Mayor of Plovdiv, Dr. Ivan Chomakov. Tomorrow, at 10 am, at the St. Virgin Mary Church, the Plovdiv Metropolitan Arsenij will be holding a public church service. At the same time, Monseigneur George Yovchev will be holding a public service at the Catholic Church ?St. Ludwig?.
Tomorrow night, Saturday, starting 6 pm, the ?Episode? rock group will be having a concert at the open stage on the Stefan Stambolov Square. At 8 pm the festive fireworks start at the Unification Square.  The Parliament Chairman, Prof. Ognyan Gerdzhikov, will deliver a speech, and later the Plovdiv Mayor will give a cocktail-party at the Plovdiv Novotel Hotel for all the guests to the celebrations.
Cultural events accompanying the celebrations:
- Arch. Matey Mateev will present to the audience its book called ?Plovdiv ? the Capital City of the Bulgarian Baroque Style?, tonight at 6 pm, at the Ethnographic Museum.
- The A ?Part Theatre will present its performance ?An Adventure in the Forest? on the Roman Stadium scene, Sunday, 11 am.
- An exhibition under the motto ?Sea and Truth?, displaying works by the artist Georgi Shishkov, opens tonight, 6.30 pm, at the BOVJEL Gallery.
- An exhibition under the motto ?Angels?, displaying wooden sculpture-works by the artist Svetlozar Chavdarov, opens today, 5.30 pm.

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