

Reminiscence of the writer Nikolay Haitov

Reminiscence of the writer Nikolay Haitov

09.09.2003 00:00:00
Based on a publication in the Maritsa Newspaper:
A new fountain with a bas-relief monument of the eminent Bulgarian writer Nikolay Haitov were unveiled by his fellow villagers in his home village of Yavrovo, up in the Rhodope Mountains. On the so-called small Virgin Mary celebration day, when all the 120 residents of the small village gather on the square, at 11 am, the Mayor of the village Galab Yanakiev cut the ribbon and officially unveiled the new village fountain. There was a speech by Prof. Vassil Kolevsky dedicated to the writer and his works.
The fountain was erected on the place where an old waterspout used to be, by the writer?s sons with the help of sponsors. According to Father Petko, the Virgin Mary is very much respected by the residents of the village, therefore that day, September 8th, was chosen for the unveiling of the monument of that great Bulgarian writer, born in the village of Yavrovo.
The writer, the eminent academician Nikolay Haitov, died this year at the age of 82. His short stories turned into an ethnographic guide to Bulgaria. They radiate authentic spirit, enriched by incredible poetic feeling. His great works have been translated to 28 languages.
At the end of August, the ?Sun? Publishing House released Haitov?s autobiography ?Through Sieve and Riddle. A Life Description?. The book was published post mortem. The manuscripts are published for the very first time, and are of great interest not only to the explorers but also to all the fans of the great writer. Nikolay Haitov describes his childhood in the Rhodope village, and the life course of the poor boy into one of Bulgaria?s most popular writers.
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