

Armenian Culture and Art Association Awards

Armenian Culture and Art Association Awards

12.12.2003 00:00:00

Armenian Culture and Art Association is handing 35 diploma awards at an official ceremony at the Saedinenie Hall today, December 12th. The awards will be given to figures that contributed to the preservation, development and popularisation of the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Armenian nation in Bulgaria and abroad.
The official ceremony includes a concert by famous Plovdiv musicians who will play music pieces by eminent Bulgarian and Armenians composers, among which Dobri Hristov and Aram Hachatourian.
The Plovdiv Mayor, Dr. Ivan Chomakov is among the awarded, for his contribution to the construction of a new building for the Armenian School in the Old Town of Plovdiv. The Municipal Council Chairman, Mr. Strashimir Dochkov, will also receive an ward for supporting that initiative.
Three of the awards are given posthumously ? to the bibliographer Nerses Kassabian, and to the public figures Zarekh Shishmanian and Vahe Cherchian.
We would like to also award Bulgarians for their constant support of the spiritual development of our city, says the Association Chairman Garo Baltayan. Among them are the International Chamber Music Festival founder Zhivko Zhekov, Dipl.Eng. Matey Shivarov, Prof. Georgi Petrov and the publicist Georgi Raychevski. The MP of the 39th Parliament Dr. Roupen Krikoriam will also be among the guests of the ceremony.
The Diocese Council of the Armenian Apostle Orthodox Church and the Bulgarian Inter-Regional Public Committee for Spiritual Motivation and Preservation are the co organisers of the official ceremony, which is taking place for the second time and awards cultural figures from all over Bulgaria, explained Mr. Baltayan?..

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