

Annual awards for journalism achievements ?Tchernorizets Hrabr?

Annual awards for journalism achievements ?Tchernorizets Hrabr?

10.11.2003 00:00:00

Tonight at 8.30 pm, in the Ivan Vazov National Theatre in Sofia, will take place the official ceremony for handing the ?Tchernorizets Hrabr? annual awards for journalism achievements. The awards, established by the Bulgarian Union of Daily Newspaper Publishers, were handed last year for the very first time. The Plovdiv daily newspaper Maritsa is also a member of that Union. The Publishers? Union is an independent non-government association of owners and publishers of the most influential daily newspapers, nationally or regionally distributed.
One of the main goals of the Publishers? Union is to stand up for the freedom of press and the independence of journalists, and to support their artistic creativity to thoroughly and honestly inform society, which in fact is their true asset in consolidating law and order in any country.
The ?Tchernorizets Hrabr? annual awards for journalism achievements are handed out in four sections:
 ?The Grand Award ? for overall journalism achievements (for the respective year) ? 10,000 leva
 ?The Journalistic Investigation Award ? 3000 leva
 ?The Political Journalism Award, for an article/analysis/comment ? 3000 leva
 ?The Photo-Journalism Award ? 3000 leva
During the last year?s official ceremony, Bulgarian President greeted the audience with the following words: ? Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me first of all to greet the Bulgarian Union of Daily Newspaper Publishers for establishing the ?Tchernorizets Hrabr? Annual Awards for Journalism Achievements, and for organising such a remarkable event. It is truly remarkable not only for Bulgarian journalism, but for the society as a whole??
This year?s nominated journalists will all receive a golden Transcart cards, as reported from Transcart JSC. This year?s ceremony will be again attended by the Bulgarian president Georgi Purvanov.

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