

Vazrazdane gallery present ” Crown of Thorns ” ,painting exposition of Ivan Chakarov

Vazrazdane gallery present ” Crown of Thorns ” ,painting exposition of Ivan Chakarov

07.02.2013 16:15:34
On 12th February till 04th March 2013 the second exhibition of paintings by the curatorial project “XXI century. The Bible and the artists “-” Crown of Thorns “by Ivan Chakarov will be open in the Vazrajdane gallery. The exhibition under the name “Crown of thorns” shows ten large canvases free interpretation of the world’s great artists’ works on biblical themes. In order to depict his own interpretation, his own meaning, his own design on the topics the author uses elements from foreign pictures almost everywhere. His interpretations hardly ever express from where they come and they sound very personal, very free and most of all very modern. The Last Supper, Mary Magdalene, Christ’s crown of thorns, do not strike with a redundancy nor with an interpretation on the widely known situations and details. They are somewhat introverted and monologue-like and this is exactly with their thriftiness of the story that they act, with the fantastic fact of supreme moment of personal suffering and redemption. With simple means, but with a lot of concentrated energy, the author has developed some themes and characters in the culmination of their experiences in their faith and in the name of faith.
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