

Press conference

Press conference

18.01.2006 10:28:03

A press conference with the participation of Dimiter Kostov (independent municipal councilor), leaders of ?The Green Balkans? Civil Associations Federation, the ?Plovdiv? Civil Committee and the local ?Ataka? Party representatives.

Thet all protested against the tandem Todor Petkov & Ivan Chomakov for taking away the money that should go for city?s cleaning. According to them all Cleaning Plovdiv costs just 10 million BGN and not the budgeted 23 million BGN that are currently spend.

The representatives of the ?Plovdiv? civil committee and the ?Ataka? Party are going to demand Todor Petkov?s resignation for his lack of interest to that issue, as well as the MPs Peter Stoyanov and Maria Kapon?s resignations for their being inert regarding key issues, like the violation of the Local Taxes and Fees Laws and the Municipal Budgets Laws.

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