

Famous karate player in Plovdiv

Famous karate player in Plovdiv

09.12.2009 09:09:33

The fastest karate player in the world, sensei Tadashi Yamashita (on the photo above) comes to Plovdiv on invitation by the Okinawa Karate Federation.

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Hanshi Tadashi Yamashita, Grandmaster

9th Dan Kobayashi Shorin Ryu Karatedo / Kobudo

Hall of Famer

Founder / Director Yamashita Budo International

Hollywood Martial Arts Star

Sensei Tadashi Yamashita is one of the best Karate Masters in the World. He is a Martial Arts Legend. He has starred in numerous Hollywood Movies including The Octagon, American Ninja, American Ninja 5, Rising Sun, Gymkata, Capital Punishment, Bronson Lee Champion, The Shinobi Ninja, Enter the Dragon, Judge Dee, Golden Needles, The Seven, The Magnificent Three, Lethal Weapon 4.Kung Fu, A Man Called Sloan, Knight Rider, Thrill Seekers, ESPN Karate Demonstrations, several Pay Per View Events, The Karate, The Blind Karate Man, and Karate II.

Sensei Yamashita has dedicated over 40 years of his life to the practice of Okinawan Karatedo and Kobudo. He teaches karatedo and kobudo seminars all over the world. He is a student of Sensei Nakazato and was promoted to the rank of ninth degree black belt in both karatedo and kobudo. Master Yamashita is also the President and Director of U.S. Shorin-Ryu Karate Association, and U.S.A. President of the Zen Okinawan Kobudo Association.  (...)

More info on sensei Yamashita: Dragonduetkarateteam website