

 Talented Bulgarian Receives Two Harvard Awards

Talented Bulgarian Receives Two Harvard Awards

09.06.2007 13:30:08

"South View of the Several Halls of Harvard College, 1823"
Source: Snow's A History of Boston, 1825.

"The Bulgarian flag is always on my desk at the University,' says Harvard student Kaloyan Slavov

Bulgarian Kaloyan Slavov - a student of Harvard - was granted two awards of the world's most prestigious university for his remarkable academic achievements. Kaloyan, a student of Mathematics, was presented with an award for the best Master's Degree project by a Harvard student. Along with the acknowledgement, the Bulgarian received also a grant of $3500. The second is David Mumford award, given by Harvard department of mathematics to students with remarkable academic achievements. The award comes with $ 800 cash prize. "I received a summa cum laude diploma, this is the highest academic achievement," Kaloyan told StandartNews.

" I am more than content. The Bulgarian flag is always on my desk. Here in Harvard I feel obliged to represent Bulgaria. When people mention me they say: This is Kaloyan, he is from Bulgaria. Here at the university we should bear our national responsibility, without unnecessary national pride," added the talented Bulgarian.

Kaloyan promises he will come back to Bulgaria, after he obtains a Doctor's degree in Harvard. "There are twelve of us to graduate from Harvard this year and 23 students are from Bulgaria. After the Americans and the Chinese students, the Bulgarians are the third largest group of students in Harvard. People here really see our academic potential," says the young Bulgarian.

Vladislav Punchev, StandartNews

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