

The Jazzmen from the CRACATAU  Band in Plovdiv

The Jazzmen from the CRACATAU Band in Plovdiv

13.08.2003 00:00:00

One of the leading world names in the ethno-jazz and most popular band in Indonesia ?Cracatau? will have a concert at the open stage in the ?King?s Stables? pub in the Old Town, on August 15th. The concert starts at 9 pm and the entrance is free.

The group was founded in 1985, and their music combines Indonesian melodies with the modern rhythm. The musicians play on synthesizers, base, percussions, drums and a bunch of exotic instruments. ?Cracatau? makes a beautiful fusion of house music, rhythm?n?blues, funk, electronic sounds and some typically Indonesian melodies. The founder of the band is the base guitar player Pra Budi Dharma, an editor of the Billboard Indonesia. The band is led by the pianist Duiki Dharmavan, A Grand Pris Tokyo award winner. He is also famous as a solo jazz-performer and author of music to various theatrical and film productions, and he is also the director of the popular World Music Festival in Jakarta. The rest of the band members give many concerts in the USA, France, India and Japan. When they made their two albums ?Let there be life? and ?Mystic Mist?, they attract some virtuosos to perform the percussion and vocal parts.Cracatau?s concert is a part of the European tour of the group and is organized with the support of the Bulgarian-Indonesian Society in Plovdiv, called ?Nusantra?, and the Plovdiv Municipality

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