

December 1st - Internation Anti-AIDS Day

December 1st - Internation Anti-AIDS Day

01.12.2003 00:00:00

Fact file: The world statistics show that every fifth second, somewhere someone gets infected with AIDS. At the moment in Bulgaria the HIV positive are around 400, 70 of which have died. In Plovdiv, as reported by the Skin Diseases Clinic, there are 35 HIV positive, 8 of which died. Since the beginning of 2003, seven new cases have been registered with the Clinic.

The Anti-AIDS Campaign 2003, organised by the Bulgarian Youth Red Cross Union, Plovdiv is running under the motto: ?Live for the others as well?. The main goal is to support the HIV positive people, who aim at decreasing the negative attitude and the discrimination towards those people, as well to express compassion and an appeal for a better treatment. The Bulgarian Youth Red Cross Union shares the concept that those people are not dangerous, doomed or guilty whatsoever, since AIDS could be a controlled risk.

The aim of the organization is to carry that message to the young people from Plovdiv since they are the one that could stop the spread of the AIDS disease, and negative attitude towards the people that are already carrying the disease would not do any good. Various advertising materials have been prepared for the Campaign 2003. Trained volunteers of the Bulgarian Youth Red Cross Union will train young people their age about prevention of sexually risky behaviour and the AIDS.

This year the traditional Anti-AIDS Party will take place at the Voodoo Bar (at the Dzhumayata) tonight, at 10 pm - there will be various interesting quizzes, contests and surprises?.


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