

The ?Mini Miss? & ?Mini Mister Plovdiv? Awards

The ?Mini Miss? & ?Mini Mister Plovdiv? Awards

18.11.2003 00:00:00

The five-year-old twin brothers Boris and Trifon Andreevi shared the ?Mini Mister Plovdiv? title in the youngest age group of a beauty contest held at the Trimontium Princess Hotel last night. The jury unanimously granted the Grand award to the two charming boys, who are as alike as two peas. The two brothers are inseparable ? when the one is happy, so is the other; when the one gets ill, so does the other? The two seem to be truly born for the stage ? they are very artistic and they always smile ? so the audience predicted bright future for the twin brothers. Their runners-up were the seven-year-old Nikolay Atanassov (2nd place) and the ?oldest? participant, the eleven-year-old Ivan Dimov (3rd place).
The jury had a ?sweaty? hour of debating over the list of more than fifty kids, participating in three age categories: 4-6 years old, 7-10 years old and 11-13 years old. The hardest age group turned out to be the youngest one ? 13 young beauties competed for the youngest title (4-6 years old) of Mini Miss Plovdiv. After long debates, the award went to Galina Ivanova, followed by the four-year-old Debora Baltova (2nd place) and Lydia Petrova (3rd place).
The crown in the 7-10 age group went to Radostina Zdravkova, followed by Mirena Boyadzhieva (2nd place) and Shizie Angelova (3rd place). In the group of the ?oldest? beauties (11-13 years old) the Mini Miss title went to Emilia Hadzhieva, followed by Alena Alexieva (2nd place) and Miglena Ivanova (3rd place).
The Beauty contest, organized by the Visage Model Group, lasted four hours. ?It was as if choosing the Miss World? We could hardly sit on all these chairs any longer??, were the impatient remarks by the audience at the restaurant in the Trimontium Princess Hotel. Apart from the show of the young beauties and the charming young gentlemen, there was also another attraction for the audience ? a demonstration by hairdressers and make-up artists from the ?Harem? Beauty Salon, one of the sponsors of the event. The ceremony was strongly supported by the General Consul of Turkey, Mr. Kemal Diriyoz.

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