

The Golden Chest TV Film Festival opens on Sunday

The Golden Chest TV Film Festival opens on Sunday

30.09.2004 06:21:28

The Golden Chest TV Film Festival is taking place October 3rd - 10th, with its 29th edition this year. The news is that the scandalous film of Michael Moore Farenheit 9/11 is going to be shown during the festival for the first time in our country, as reported by the Golden Chest Dirctor, Olly Grueva. The date of that premiere is still unscheduled since the organisers are still looking for a movie theatre to be presented in.

This year participants of 33 countries are going to take part in the Golden Chest Tv Film Festival, competing for the prizes in the four sections:

? Category One - TV Films and Series for Adults
? Category Two - TV Films and Series for Children and Adolescents
? Category Three - TV Documentaries
? Category Four - Students Films - "First Steps"

122 works altogether, 29 of which Bulgarian, are going to take part in the competition. Most of the BG films are BNT productions but there also productions of independent teams, as well as of Europa TV and the BTK Channel.

Traditionally the BNT organisers always invite Channel 1 serial and soap opera starts. This year, Susan Flannery (starring as Stephanie in the Bold and the Beautiful) is expected to attend the film festival in Plovdiv, accompanied by her colleaugue John McCook (starring as Eric Forrester) who particularly liked his visit at the last years festival and wanted to have a second round of it. It is almost (90%) certain that Ron Moss (starring as Ridge Forrester) will join his two colleagues in Plovdiv...

The Golden Chest TV Film Festival also expects to welcome some of the actors from another popular Channel 1 serial - RAI 1s Incantesimo. he popular Italian actor Remo Girone (we remeber him as the banker from the Antinari Bank in the La Piovra serial) will also be among the guests here.

The organisers have prepared a special night dedicated to the popular BG actor Joko Rosich, presenting him in some of his most successful films made in Bulgaria and abroad.

The official closing of the festival and the awards giving will be directly transmitted by the BNT Channel 1, October 10th, from 8.30 pm.

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