

Ramazan Bayram (October 23 – 25) started for the Muslims

Ramazan Bayram (October 23 – 25) started for the Muslims

23.10.2006 10:59:51

Ramazan Bayram is a religious feast for the Muslims in Bulgaria, celebrated in the period October 23rd – 25th. In that period, each day starts with religious prayers. Lots of sweet dishes are consumed and also given out to friends, relatives and neighbors. This feast marks the end of the Ramadan/or Ramazan month.


Ramadan (also Ramazan or Ramzan) – is the ninth month of the Islamic (Hijri) calendar, established in the year 638. It is considered the most venerated, blessed and spiritually-beneficial month of the Islamic year. Prayers, fasting, charity, and self-accountability are especially stressed at this time; religious observances associated with Ramadan are kept throughout the month.

The most prominent event of this month is the fasting practiced by all observant Muslims. The fasting during Ramadan has been so predominant in defining the month that some have been led to believe the name of this month, Ramadan, is the name of Islamic fasting.

The fast is intended to be an exacting act of deep personal worship in which Muslims seek a raised level of closeness to God. The act of fasting is said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, its purpose being to cleanse the inner soul and free it from harm. Properly observing the fast is supposed to induce a comfortable feeling of peace and calm. It also allows Muslims to practice self-discipline, sacrifice, as well as sympathy for those who are less fortunate, intending to make Muslims more generous and charitable.


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