

 Germany Will Hardly Back Renegotiation of Kozloduy Issue

Germany Will Hardly Back Renegotiation of Kozloduy Issue

01.02.2007 11:58:51
We must not nurse great hopes about the nuclear power plant, said Meglena Plugchieva, Bulgaria's ambassador to Germany

Meglena Plugchieva has been Bulgaria's ambassador to Germany since 2004. Before she took the post of Bulgaria's Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. She has graduated from the Institute of Timber and Woodworking Industry in Sofia. The German government has awarder her a Cross of Merits - 1 Class.

- Mrs. Plugchieva, what is the echo from Georgi Parvanov's first visit to Germany since Bulgaria joined the EU?
- This is an encouraging sign for our traditionally good relations. His visit takes place in the biggest and economically strongest province of North Rhine Westphalia, which is Bulgaria's biggest trade partner, as well. This is an excellent promotion for our country.
- Could we expect that Germany will support the reopening of Kozloduy's units 3 and 4? The President takes an active part in the cabinet's plan for the rescue of the two reactors.
- The nuke's decommissioning is a matter of contract which must be fulfilled. Its reconsideration is another question. In Germany the nuclear power energy is a specific issue. The former government took a decision to close all the nuclear power plants by 2020. At the moment, the issue about energy safety is topical all over the EU - it's one of the German EU presidency priorities, as well. The term "energy mix" has gained publicity - it means energy generation from different sources.
This is why the EC relies on the increasing share of energy produced from renewable natural sources. It is expected that by 2020 the share of this energy will grow by 15-20% in comparison with 1990. Germany will insist that Europe should speaks common language with all the countries - suppliers of energy, in order to defend the EU's independence. This is why a renegotiation is hardly possible and we must not nurse big expectations.
- German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier joined the You Are not Alone campaign and wore the symbolic ribbon in Sofia. Are there other members of the German cabinet who have backed the initiative?
- Germany's Minister of Interior Wolfgang Schaeuble is one of them. I think that the support of the German politicians and society increase the hope for a successful outcome of the trial in Libya. We must express our deep gratitude for their backing and solidarity.
- How do you feel in your capacity of an ambassador of European Bulgaria?
- I feel a wide range of emotions, but the pride that we are a nation which fully deserves its membership is prevailing.

Yuliana Uzanicheva, StandartNews
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