

“Yes to FOSS” ( program

“Yes to FOSS” ( program

16.09.2006 08:11:38

“Yes to FOSS” ( is a program for introducing the open-source code and the free software to state administration, executive power and public sector.


Free/Libre/Open-Source Software, or FLOSS, is an alternative term for free software. The software is liberally licensed to grant the right of users to study, change, and improve its design through the availability of its source code. Synonymous with free software and open source software, the term describes similar software, licenses, culture, and development models, but is used by those who wish to be inclusive or who do not want to take a side on whether "free software" or "open-source software" is a better term, although neither side has shown much enthusiasm for the term "FLOSS". The FLOSS culture and FLOSS community stem from hacker culture.

The term FLOSS is often used to bridge the ideological divide between the free software and open source software movements. The term FLOSS is useful for those who, for a variety of reasons, do not want to align themselves with one group and alienate the other. FLOSS can also be used as a neutral term when discussing free / open source software with those of differing ideological viewpoints.

Historically, FLOSS was first used as a project acronym by Rishab Aiyer Ghosh. In 2001 the European Commission (EC) used the phrase when they funded a study on the topic, and in July 2002 they further popularised the acronym by publishing both a FLOSS survey and study and a FLOSS workshop report. The EC chose FLOSS as an inclusive acronym that hopefully would not further antagonize the main participants in the naming controversy. Richard Stallman has acknowledged and recommended use of the phrase Free/Libre/Open Source Software by those who refuse to commit themselves explicitly to his philosophical approach.

info on FOSS: Wikipedia