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Plovdiv ? a leading bodybuilding power in the last few years

Plovdiv ? a leading bodybuilding power in the last few years

9/17/2003 12:00:00 AM

(Based on a publication in the Maritsa newspaper)
The Plovdiv Bodybuilding and Fitness Club called ?Muscle Art?, with the president Kim Merdzhanov, became the champion of the republic for the fifth time in a row. The Plovdiv-club representatives won altogether 4 gold, 2 silver medals and one 4th and one 6th place at the just-finished State Championship at the Sofia Universiada Sports Hall. The medallists are as follows:
 1.Gold medals: Ivan Yordanov (in the category up to 75 kg), Toshko Todorov (in the category up to 85 kg), Orlin Stoyanov (in the category up to 90 kg) and Maya Atanassova (in the category up to 52 kg), which is her third medal.
 2.Silver medals: Reyhan Redzhep (in the category up to 70kg) and the 17-year-old debutant (in the category up to 160 cm) in the fitness competition.
 3.4th place in the heaviest category of 90+ kg  for Krassimir Yolov
 4.6th place in the heaviest category of 90+ kg  for Petar Dobrev
In order to achieve those great results the sportsmen are following a special protein diet.

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