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The anniversary of the creation of the  “Ancient Plovdiv” preservation area (i.e. the Old Town of Plovdiv)

The anniversary of the creation of the “Ancient Plovdiv” preservation area (i.e. the Old Town of Plovdiv)

5/22/2010 1:10:00 AM

52 years ago the “Ancient Plovdiv” preservation area located on the three central hills of Plovdiv was declared an architectural preserved area. Plovdiv has many names throughout the centuries – Philipopolis, Poulpoudeva, Puldin, Trimontium…. Until its fall under Ottoman oppression in 1364 it had been destroyed and resurrected many times.

But it was only in the 18th and 19th c. when its new flourishing started. Plovdiv gradually grew into a first-class trade center. The slopes of the three central hills (known since Roman times as the Tri-montium) sooon got covered with houses bearing the characteristic architecture of the Bulgarian Revival period.

The three hills feature numerous monuments of culture that could trace down the historic development of the city – from antiquity, through Middle Ages to contemporary times….

PETLYOVDEN (Rooster’s Day)
PETLYOVDEN (Rooster’s Day)
1/20/2024 9:00:00 AM
Name day of everyone named Efthimios (Evtim, Euthim), (the name derives from the Sanskrit word "en", which designates infinity, the hidden god. Some people also interpret the name with the meaning of "kindliness")
Today is ATANASOVDEN (St. Athanasius Day)
Name day of everyone named Atanas, Atanaska, Nasso, Nacho, Tinka, Nasya, Totka.
Today is ANTONOVDEN (St. Anthony`s Day)
Name day of everyone named Anton (meaning priceless in Latin), Antonia, Antoanneta, Antoan, Andon, Doncho, Donka, Donna, Donny, Donyo, Tonyo, Tony.
1/16/2024 9:00:00 AM
That Feast Day is the first one of the group “Antonovden & Atanassovden” (in the period Jan.16-18) and acts as preparation to the next two larger holidays.
1/12/2024 9:00:00 AM
Name day of everyone named Tatiana or Tanya (coming from Latin with the meaning "the one who arranges").
1/8/2024 9:00:00 AM
The legend has it that the Egyptian king ordered the old women, who were maternity nurses, to kill all newborn Jewish boys. The old women did not submit to that order because they were afraid of
Today is IVANOVDEN (St. Johns Day)
Name day of everyone named Ivan, Vanyo, Vanya, Yoan/Ioan, Yoanna/Ioanna, Yonko/Yonka, Yoto, Ivaylo, Ivo, Ivona, Kaloyan, Jan/Jean, and Janna whose...
Name day of everyone named Yordan/ka (named after the holy river of Jordan), Yonko/a, Daniel/a, Bozhan/a, Bozhil, Boyan/a, Bogdan/a and Bozhidar/a(both meaning "God's gift"), Bogolyub/a, Boncho, Bonka, Bogomil/a (meaning "Dear to God"), Bistra.
The first BG General -  General Major Sava Moutkourov, was born on that day in 1852
Colonel Sava Moutkourov, later promoted to General, was an active participant in the Unification (1885), in the Serbian-Bulgarian War (1885), he supported Stefan Sta...
January 2 is SYLVESTROVDEN (St. Sylvester Day)
Name day of everyone named Sylvia, Sylester, Goran, Goritsa