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Panayot Pipkov was born on November 21, 1871, in Plovdiv

Panayot Pipkov was born on November 21, 1871, in Plovdiv

11/21/2005 7:08:08 AM

The eminent Bulgarian composer and musician Panayot Pipkov was born on November 21, 1871, in Plovdiv. He started learning violin and writing poems when he was very young; he was an amateur actor in Plovdiv and Sofia, and studied music in Milan.

Panayot Pipkov remained in the hearts of all Bulgarians with the music he wrote to the popular "Anthem to the St. St. Cyril and Methodius" based on the lyrics by Stoyan Michailovski. He wrote the song music on the black board during one of his lessons as a music teacher in the male high school in Lovetch. 

That song sounds each May 24th, the Day of Bulgarian Literacy and Culture, and is performed with gratitude and pride of the creation of the Slavonic alphabet...

The Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv marks 50th jubilee
Plovdiv has many reasons to feel a sense of pride this year. After being elected Bulgaria’s European capital of culture, 2019 at the end of September, it is now marking another important event – the 50th jubilee of the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts in the city.
Two are Too Few-Three are Too Many Puppet TheaterFestival
The 21st edition of the famous puppet theater festival "Two are Too Few, Three are Too Many" is taking place September 3-7, 2014.
Philippopolis Film Nights movie festival opens today at the Orpheus Cinema
The 16th edition of the movie fest will be running until August 3.
In the Thracian region of Bulgaria they call it "Spassovska Zadoushnitza", while in North Bulgaria it is known as "Petdesetnishka" (Pentecost's) because it is held on the Sunday before Pentecost.
World Environment Day
World Environment Day
6/5/2014 8:00:00 AM
World Environment Day celebrates its 42nd Anniversary on 5th June 2014.
Plovdiv hosts Vinaria 2014 International fair
VINARIA, the International Exhibition of Vine Growing and Wine Producing opens today
From March 21 2014, Plovdiv will be the capital city of beauty in Bulgaria.
Wine and liquor tasting in Plovdiv
Wine and liquor tasting in Plovdiv
3/10/2014 11:00:00 AM
A wine and liquor tasting fair has gone underway in Plovdiv, Bulgaria’s second largest city.
Anniversary of the death of St Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher
February 14th marks the anniversary of the death of St Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher, one of the holy brothers St.St. Cyril and Methodius, founders...
Triumph for Tsvetana Pironkova in Sydney
Tsvetana Pironkova won her first title in a WTA tournament.