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Don't miss the concert of Roumen Tsvetkov - viola and Tatyana Gigova – piano

Don't miss the concert of Roumen Tsvetkov - viola and Tatyana Gigova – piano

6/15/2006 8:34:32 AM

Plovdiv Municipality is proud to invite you all to a concert of Roumen Tsvetkov – viola (photo above) and Tatyana Gigova – piano. The event takes place June 21st, Wednesday, at the Suedinenie Hall of the History Museum – Plovdiv, 6.30 PM, Free entrance.

The program of the concert includes pieces by Glinka, Brahms, Frescobaldi, Schumann, Paganini, Elgare, etc.

Roumen Tsvetkov started playing violin at the age of 4 and his passion for the viola made him a student at the Plovdiv School of Music, which he graduated in Georgi Naydenov’s class. Since 2002 he has specialized in Dalas, USA, in the viola class of Misha Galaganov (Israel) and later studied in Chicago as a student of Roger Chase’s (England).

The instrument he plays on was made by Simon Schodler in 1785, and is called “The Time”….


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