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Anniversary of the death of Konstantin Stoilov

Anniversary of the death of Konstantin Stoilov

3/23/2010 1:30:42 AM

Konstantin Stoilov was born in Plovdiv on September 23rd, 1853, in the well-to-do and patriotic family of Stoil Zacharliata. His mother belongs to the eminent clan of the Moravenov.

He graduated from the famous Robert College in Constantinople, then he got his PhD in Law in Heidelberg, Germany, and attended lectures in Civil Law in Paris. He became a member of the Masonic lodge while a student in Germany. He spoke fluent English, German, French and classical languages.

Twice a Prime Minister, several times a Foreign Minister, Law Minister, Interior Affairs Minister, and years in a row a Member of the National Assembly. He died too young - at the age of 47, and was buried with all the honors of a great statesman. I have always been conducted by true love to my country, he wrote in his diary….


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