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Anniversary of Mozart's birth

Anniversary of Mozart's birth

1/27/2010 9:59:16 AM

Today is the 257 anniversary of his birth and May 12th is the 222th anniversary of his death.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria. His given name at birth was Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus. The name "Theophilus" means Gottlieb in German, and Amadeus in Latin. Consequently, he used Wolfgang and Amadeus in his signature, thus he is generally known by these two names.


He was the seventh, but only the second surviving child to Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna Maria Pertl; his father being a composer, musical author and violinist. Their other surviving child, a daughter was Maria-Anna Mozart, (1751-1829) who was called Nannerl. She too was a gifted pianist.


Mozart displayed a remarkable musical gift, whereby he could play the keyboard with total confidence at the age of four, and who composed his first pieces at age five, and who at this time, quickly mastered the violin.

Leopold was quick to present his son's extraordinary talent, as well a those of his daughter...      More here 

The world Day of Free Journalism
The world Day of Free Journalism
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Good Friday (also Holy Friday)
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HOLY WEEK before Easter
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Today is LAZAROVDEN (St. Lazarus’ Day)
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