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 Dragon and Cobra Guard Perperikon

Dragon and Cobra Guard Perperikon

7/11/2007 1:20:29 PM

Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov shows the unique cult figures found at Perperikon
Photo Ivan Bachvarov

The finds are more valuable than gold, says Prof. Ovcharov

Two unique earthen heads were excavated from the ancient Thracian town of Perperikon. One of the finds represents a head of a dragon and the other one is a head of a cobra. Yesterday, archaeologist Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov showed the precious excavations. Both figures are shown with open jaws, as if they are ready to attack any minute. The figures were found at the two edges of altars made of clay. They are believed to belong to a culture called Tsepina as the name of the medieval fortress nearby. A typical feature of Tsepina culture is the representation of cult scenes.
"The figure of the snake is unique and is of extreme importance," said Prof. Ovcharov.
The professor explained further that the reptile cobra had been regarded as the guardian of the Earth depths and that it has been part of the Dionysus cult. Ovcharov added further that the two earthen figures were more important and precious than golden finds; for example earrings from Roman times. Namely, the figures carry a deep cult meaning and are the next piece of new information that scholars had searched for in order to learn more about the life in Perperikon. This summer, between 120 and 150 people will work at the excavation sites in Perperikon. They will explore the western part of the acropolis and will enter into the southern defense gate of the complex. Archaeologists hope to find a third palace connected with the Thracian epoch.


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