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Will there be new investments in Bulgaria?

Will there be new investments in Bulgaria?

10/24/2003 12:00:00 AM

(Information is taken from the Standard newspaper)

The Vice President of General Electric Nani (Ferdinando) Becalli and seven of the senior managers flew to Bulgaria on Wednesday night on board of the company jet. They had talks to the Prime Minister, Simeon Sax Coburg-Gotha regarding their intention to invest in the country. The main fields of interest, as reported by the Foreign Investments Agency, are the power engineering, communications, transportation and health care.
The businessmen are visiting Bulgaria on a special invitation by the Agency?s director, Pavel Ezekiev. A working team will be formed of GE experts together with experts from the Foreign Investments Agency, to specify the opportunities of GE for participating in the development of various projects. The formation of that team was personally initiated by the Prime Minister Sax Coburg-Gotha. ?Bulgaria is part of the company?s new strategy for widening our scope in Eastern Europe?, Mr. Becalli told the prime minister. GE have invested over 1 billion USD in Hungary, creating about 12 000 work positions. General Electric intends to work in cooperation with Bulgarian experts and hopes our companies to take part in the post-war reconstruction of Iraq.

The American top-businessmen also had meetings with Bulgarian finance minister, Milen Velchev, the deputy minister of transport, Ms. Anelia Kroushkova, the US Ambassador to Bulgaria, James Pardew, as well as with many Bulgarian companies? COs and managing directors. 

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