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The Karayan Festival takes place in Plovdiv

The Karayan Festival takes place in Plovdiv

8/21/2003 12:00:00 AM

The unique cultural event, based on the model of the famous Vienna Film Festival, started in the year 2001, inspired by Vladimir Vladigerov, the artistic director of the festival. The then-program of the festival in the open air consisted of musical films only. The co-organizer of the event was the ?Herbert von Karayan Centre? in Vienna.
Tonight, at 8 pm, the Vienna theatre of movement ?Vis, Plastics, Trans GEN? will open the film festival ?Herbert von Karayan? in Plovdiv, on the open-air stage opposite the City Hall. The Austrian theatre will present its performance called ?Mysteries Unsolved?.  It is part of the ?Vienna program?, which accompanies the Karayan Festival, including live performances.
During the Karayan Festival itself, concert performances of the Berlin and Vienna Philharmonics will be displayed on the huge screen. These are documentary records with Karayan as conductor.
The program of the Film Festival on the scene of the Ancient Theatre includes:
August 29th, Friday, 9 pm ? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, ?Two Divertimentos?, Berlin Philharmonic, conducted by Herbert von Karayan, Entrance: free
August 30th, Saturday, 9 pm ? Johannes Brahms, ?Symphony #1 and #2?, Berlin Philharmonic, conducted by Herbert von Karayan, Entrance: free
August 31st, Sunday, 9 pm ? The New Year?s Concert (1987) of the Vienna Philharmonic, conducted by Herbert von Karayan, Entrance: free

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