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?Techno polis? in Plovdiv

?Techno polis? in Plovdiv

9/19/2003 12:00:00 AM

Today, September 19th 2003, the largest hypermarket specialized for electric appliances, ?Techno polis?, opened in Plovdiv. Situated at 7,700 sq.m., right next to the ?Metro? hypermarket, it is the first mega-spot in town specialized in selling electrical appliances. Its appearance in our city is the result of the mutual activities of the trade company ?Videolux?, which is among the largest importers of electrical appliances in the country, and the German holding ?Lindner Grup?, an European leader in the field of construction and design.
?Techno polis? is among the fastest-developing specialized hypermarkets chains in Bulgaria. The total amount of the investment so far is 28 million leva. The ?Techno polis? hypermarkets offer more than 25,000 items of electrical appliances to its customers: black appliances (TV sets, audio HI-FI systems, etc.), large and small white appliances, satellite receivers, air-conditioners, car-audio sets, office equipment ? computer and software, telephones, radio-phones and mobile end-user appliances, photo cameras and accessories, lighting fixtures.
The hypermarket, constructed for just 100 days, was officially opened yesterday by a special ceremony led by the Plovdiv Mayor, Dr. Ivan Chomakov. The shop starts with promotional prices. The Maritsa newspaper gives the information that the chain?s owner, Mr. Todor Belchev, promised at the opening that each month there will be a discount of over 40 types of appliances.

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