



10.5.2003 г. 0:00:00

With Ordinance No.698 of October 30, 2002, the Council of Ministers of Republic Bulgaria assigned to the International Fair-Plovdiv the task of the overall organisation of the presentation of Bulgaria at the International Exposition EXPO 2005 AICHI in Japan.Plovdiv 

Fair has sustaintial experience in organising such events, having put together the Bulgarian expositions in Lisbon and Hanover. The overriding philosophy of the exposition is the precept that the wisdom of nature should be sought in inter-cultural relations. The basic theme is The Wisdom of Nature. EXPO 2005 will generate new ideas concerning culture and civilisation bearing in mind both the wisdom of nature (the wonderful mechanism of nature and the life force) and the model of society in the 21st century having in mind the lessons taught by the experience of manking to this day. This is to be achieved through exchange of knowledge among people internationally.
EXPO 2005 AICHI will be held from March 25 trough September 25, 2005 (for a total of 185 days). The venue is the AICHI Region: Seto, Nagakute, Toyota. The total area is estimated to amount to 173 hectares. The visitors are expected to amount to 15 million.
The subject of the Bulgarian participation at EXPO 2005 AICHI is: "Bulgaria -Wisdom and Nature's Bounty for the health and Complete Life of People and Their Tolerant Co-habitation. It refers to the title: The Art of Living.
Our country, thanks to its crossroads geographical location, to its thousand-year-old history and culture, as well as the numerous external factors it has had to adopt to, is uniquely connected to nature and generously helps itself to its vital forces. The environment , which we inhabit, has been the traditional knowledge of its bounty, all the more enriched by the achievements of modern science and education.
The interpenetrating of the different culture results in an awareness of global community overcoming national borders while simultaneously confirming the unique value of the individuals, the groups, and nations. The representation of the topic will also show how politic authorities envisage an adequate understanding of relations at the out start of the third millennium and the need for its strengthening. The Bulgarian exhibition will show the interrelations among the selected highlights and the prospects of maintaining tolerant co-habitation and the natural balance in the future. The reasons determining both the cultural and ecological balance in the region will be determined.
A temple of tolerance will integrate the four directions of the world and the 4 religions in Bulgaria, united under the same dome. The temple, symbolising our common home, the place housing in tolerance people from different races, with different beliefs and religions: East Orthodox, Catholics, Muslims, and Jews.

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