

Streaming for artists and curators

28.5.2003 г. 0:00:00

From 28 till 31 May 2003 InterSpace Media Art Center, the Red HouseCenter for Culture and Debate and the British Council ? Sofia organize a technological workshop and a theoretical seminar, devoted to streaming technologies and their application in artistic and curatorial projects. Both events take place as part of the ExStream project, funded by Culture 2000 Program by European Community and are targeted to artists, organizers and technical experts interested in creating and distributing of streaming projects.

Streaming media is the term used to describe the real-time delivery of moving images, moving text and sound, over the Internet. Webcasting software allows Internet audiences to listen or watch types of media, which have, up until now, been considered too large and bulky for consumption over the Internet. Content can also be saved and archived in webcasting formats, allowing Internet users to experience recordings of live events on line after they happen.

The technical workshop will take place in the period 28 ? 30 May at Interspace lab and will train participants how to use StreamStudio ? a complete solution for audio and video streaming, including production software and server solution. StreamStudio is an open source software, which is distributed free. The workshop will be led by Stoyan Kostadinov, Petar Slavov, and Tomax Kaulmann and is targeted to artists experienced in work with new media as aim to give them the opportunity to realize their ideas for projects based on streaming.

The theoretical seminar "Artistic and Cutatorial Practicies based on Streaming Technologies" is targeted at artists and curators interested in new media arts and will take place on 31st May. Honor Harger from the Museum of Contemporary Arts Tate Modern, London will present museum experience in work with curatorial and artistic projects based on streaming; Petko Dourmana will present most popular technologies for streaming, and Stoyan Kostadinov will demonstrate StreamStudio - Bulgarian plaftorm for audio and video streaming.

The seminar will be followed by projection of "Search Engine" a selection of streaming projects and presentation of the projects produced during the technological workshop.The events are carried out with the kind support by Orbitel Company and Risk Electronics.

By courtesy of: The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate 

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