Today?s edition of the Maritsa newspaper says that Glen Merry, the coach of the US national rowing team. He will study the equipment and the condition of the Plovdiv Rowing Canal and will decide whether the US rowers could train here before the Athens Olympic Games in 2004.Especially for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games a special ?Municipal Organizational Committee for Preliminary Olympic Preparation of Foreign Teams in Plovdiv? was created last year by order of the Mayor of Plovdiv, dated Jan.15th 2002. The committee has the following members:Chairman - Atanas Badev , Dep.Mayor Members: 1.Dicho Dafov ? Head Engineer of the Plovdiv Municipality 2.Tsvetan Varimezov ? Chief Legal Advisor of the Plovdiv Municipality 3.Natalia Delcheva ? Head of the Budget Department of the Plovdiv Municipality 4.Stoyan Doykov ? Chief Inspector of the Sports Dept. of the Plovdiv Municipality 5.Kiril Sekulov ? Manager of the Plovdivsport Ltd 6.Krum Ovcharov ? Executive Director OSSK Plovdiv 7.Evgeni Georgiev ? Chairman of the Tourism Council of Plovdiv 8.Stoyanka Gruycheva ? Regional DAMS Coordinator 9.Marin Dimitrov ? Chairman of the ?Plovdiv ? Athens 2004? AssociationAccording to Stoyan Doykov, member of the Committee, it is almost certain that Glen Merry is really going to like the Rowing Canal equipment for the preparation of the US team. So far more than 800 advertising materials and brochures has been distributed around the world popularising the sports bases and the hotels in our city. From Plovdiv, on Aug.13th Glen Merry is flying to Seville, Spain, where the World Rowing Championship is taking place.