

On August 27 1885 Aleko Konstantinov organized a group of 300 people who climbed the Cherni Vrah peak

On August 27 1885 Aleko Konstantinov organized a group of 300 people who climbed the Cherni Vrah peak

27.08.2024 10:42:00
Aleko Konstantinov - Keen tourist and founder of the tourism movement in Bulgaria – on August 27 1885 he organized a group of 300 people who climbed the Cherni Vrah peak 2290m (near Sofia), giving rise to the mass tourist organization. Founder and one of the main figures in the Zname newspaper. Because of his incorruptibility, frankness and his clear conscience he was called "The Lucky One" by his friends.

Aleko Konstantinov was born on January 13, 1863 at Svishtov. Throughout his life, he worked in many fields, and remained in Bulgaria’s history as one of its most prominent writers – the father of the literary character Bai Ganyo, and author of many travel notes, essays and feuilletons. Founder of the Bulgarian democratic party.

He was murdered on May 11 1897. His murder gave rise to the first political turmoil among Bulgarian students.

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