Specialized Exhibition of Flowers, Ornamental Plants, Garden Equipment and SuppliesAt the moment, Plovdiv hosts the traditional Specialized Exhibition of Flowers, Ornamental Plants, Garden Equipment and Supplies. Ever since the very first exhibition in 1998, it is annually held and open for public. The exhibition is at Pavilion 2 of the International Fair Grounds. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ?Established: 1998 ?Frequency: Annual ?Open to: General public EXHIBITION PROGRAMME: ?Greenery (Plants) ?Bio - chemical Products ?Greenhouses ?Irrigation Systems and Lighting ?Gardens ?Hand and Electric Garden Instruments ?Accessories for Growing of Flowers ?Florists' Equipment and Accessories ?Specialized Literature The participants are companies from Bulgaria, USA, the Netherlands and Italy. Among the most attractive exhibits is the Netherlands rose collection. The following countries are participating in the Exhibition: Bulgaria: AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY - Plovdiv - Plovdiv ; AVIVA Ltd. - Plovdiv BULPLODCOMMERCE Ltd. - Septemvri ; ECOFOL J.S.C. - Turgovishte ; ENKO - Nedev Co - Plovdiv ; FLOROV - Ivaylo Florov ET - Pavlikeni ; GEASEM - Petronia Ivanova ET - Lyaskovetz ; GEORGI PENEV GEORGIEV - Varna ; GOLDEX CHAIN - Il. Valkanov ET - Plovdiv ; INTERNATIONAL FAIR - Plovdiv - Plovdiv ; KERAMIK GRUP Ltd. ? Plovdiv; M & M TRADING ET - Sofia ; NORA ET - Russe ; PLANTAVA Ltd. - Sofia ; SANITA - Kosta Chotov ET - Plovdiv ; UNIVERSITY PROF. DR. ASSEN ZLATAROV ? Bourgas; VANKO 97 Ltd. - Sofia ; VIP - 3 Ltd. - Sofia Italy: FORMASTER - Italy ; FRANCHI SEMENTI ; SOTIVAThe Netherlands: ED DE GROOT ; JACK WHITEN-BOGARD ; ORVITAL S.P.A. USA: TERAWET Corporation