Current News

Current News

World Freshwater Angling Club Championships wiil be in Plovdiv

World Freshwater Angling Club Championships wiil be in Plovdiv

6/13/2003 12:00:00 AM

13.06.2003, Friday, Plovdiv-angling

Anglers of 29 countries prepare for the start of the World Freshwater Angling Club Championships in Plovdiv's Rowing Canal.

Support for Plovdiv cultural heritage preservation
\r\nThe US State Department released a grand of 32 500 USD for the reconstruction \r\nof the ancient mosaics dating from the 4th c., discovered years ago during \r\nelevation works in the subway pa...
Exhibition of documents at the Ivan Vazov National Library
Today, November 13th, 2003, at 11 am, a photo-exhibition of documents opened in the Ivan Vazov National Library lobby. The exhibition will close November 28th. It is dedicated to the 100th annivers...
The awards ?Tchernorizets Hrabr?
The awards ?Tchernorizets Hrabr?
11/12/2003 12:00:00 AM
Yesterday the ?Tchernorizets Hrabr? Academy granted its awards for journalism achievements. The Grand Award ? for overall journalism achievements went to Ivaylo Dichev, the SEGA newspaper columnist...
Eco-fuel for public transport in Plovdiv
Based on an article by Katya Staykova in today?s issue of the Maritsa newspaper\r\nThe Hebros Bus Company released its first bus, whose fuel is compressed natural methan...
Annual awards for journalism achievements ?Tchernorizets Hrabr?
Tonight at 8.30 pm, in the Ivan Vazov National Theatre in Sofia, will take place the official ceremony for handing the ?Tchernorizets Hrabr? annual awards for journalism achievements. The awards, e...
The CSKA Football Club invites Stoichkov as a coach
Based on an article in the Seven Days Sport newspaper\r\nMembers of the management team of the CSKA Football Club have had preliminary talks to the idol of all football fans in Bulgaria ? Hr...
A special gala of the mountain-tourist choirs
The stage of the City Culture Center will be hosting the Second Autumn Gala of the mountain-tourist choirs, November 8th (Saturday). Choirs from all over the country will take place in the event, d...
The current events in Plovdiv
The current events in Plovdiv
11/5/2003 12:00:00 AM
1. The Plovdiv City Gallery opened a retrospective exhibition of works by the eminent Plovdiv artist Prof. Ivan Kirkov. The exhibition is on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Acco...
Treasures have been saved ? to remain in Plovdiv
(Based on an article in the today?s Maritsa newspaper)\r\nTwenty pieces of Thracian and Greek art and about a thousand silver and gold coins were exhibited  yesterday in the halls ...
Dr Ivan Chomakov is Plovdiv Mayor for a second mandate
 Yesterday, November 2nd, 2003, the Plovdiv run-off balloting was held between Dr.Ivan Chomakov, representing the coalition Democratic Forces Union, and Dipl.Eng.Zachary Georgiev, the candidat...