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International painting plain-air in Plovdiv (6 - 10 July'03)

International painting plain-air in Plovdiv (6 - 10 July'03)

7/10/2003 12:00:00 AM

The followin  acftititie was carried out in Plovdiv this week - International painting plain-air.
It are organasing annually in Old Town by Municipality Plovdiv-Department "Culture"-Tanya Serdanova, Scene-painter Mr. Matej Mateev and Mrs. Antoaneta Kirilova, manager of "Nedkovich-house"'s team.
The spirit of Plovdiv bears the creative power of the art's peoples.
This year was taked part:
Volodimir Kuts, UKRAINE; Nelly Guler, TURKEY; Hella Dusa, HUNGARY; Petra Saveljevic, CROATIA; Svetlana Kalachnik, SPAIN; Iulian Vitalis, RUMANIA; Snejana Grozdanovich, SERBIA; Todor Donchev, BULGARIA; Boriana N. Georgieva, BULGARIA.

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