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Dobromir Rahnev, Plovdiv, BULGARIA ? First prize in the 44th International Mathematical Olympiad'2003

Dobromir Rahnev, Plovdiv, BULGARIA ? First prize in the 44th International Mathematical Olympiad'2003

7/17/2003 12:00:00 AM

International Mathematical Olympiad?2003, Japan, Tokyo
First prize: Dobromir Rahnev, Plovdiv, BULGARIA
He is finishing the Mathematical School Secondary of Plovdiv this year and it is the custom to learn in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Team classification: First prize: Bulgarian team.
The next in the classifying: China, The USA, Russia

The  Mathematical School Secondary of Plovdiv was unveiled on 15.09.1971. The first batch of graduates included 360 students and 18 teachers. The hopes of the society were fully justified - 93% of the graduates were approved in the Universities. On the 5th of September the teachers' staff elected Academician Kiril Popov as a patron. The choice was prompted by the wish the name of the school to be a notable bulgarian mathematician's name.The first director was Mr. Dimo Maleshkov, and from 1978 it's Mr. Kiril Atanassov.
In 1986 the Mathematical School has been awarded the title "Model".

Hiroshi Noguchi
Executive Director
the Mathematical Olympiad Foundation of Japan

?Japan is proud to host the 44th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO 2003 for short), taking place during July 7-19 2003, in Tokyo. IMO 2003 will be the biggest IMO, with teams up to six students participating from each of 86 countries, from all five continents.
The IMO is the world's most prestigious mathematics competition for secondary school pupils, and we expect to welcome 500 of the world's best young pupils to this exciting event. For all of those who take part in IMO 2003, the event offers the opportunity: To discover, encourage and challenge mathematically gifted young people in all countries;
To foster friendly international relationships among mathematicians of all countries;
To create an opportunity for the exchange of information on school syllabuses and practices throughout the world;
To promote mathematics generally?..?

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