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Ballet Todes coming to Plovdiv in December

Ballet Todes coming to Plovdiv in December

10/20/2003 12:00:00 AM

(Based on information from the today?s copy of the Maritsa Newspaper)
The dance masters of the world-famous Russian ballet ?Todes? are coming to Plovdiv for a large show-performance. The ballet choreographer Alla Douhova and the troupe of nearly 60 ballet dancers will present their latest show, called ?The Most Dangerous Lady?. The Plovdiv performance will take place on December 10th. It is centred upon the themes of love and female beauty, which themes always tend to dominate in all their performances. The audience will have the pleasure of watching 15 newly developed separate dances, united by the common theme. ?The Most Dangerous Lady? will be staged in Europe for the first time ever, which makes it its European premiere, since the show has only been performed in Russia so far. According to the organizers, the performance will take at least an hour and a half and will be really spectacular.
The ballet troupe was created 15 years ago and has performed mainly in the field of modern dancing, including various elements from the acrobatics, the hip-hop dancing and the jazz-ballet. They became famous after the invitation of the popular Russian pop-singer Sophia Rotarou to accompany her on world tours as her dancing troupe. A large number of the dancers used to be masters of sports in acrobatics and gymnastics. No wonder why a lot of break dancing and difficult elements are so often included in the performances!
The troupe?s name came by accident, but ?todes? means a complicated and a very risky element in the figure skating, popular by the name ?the spiral of death?.
This year the Todes ballet troupe celebrates its 15th anniversary. ?We have as our main dream and chief goal to capture the hearts of the audiences all over the world. We have no doubts that this is really going to happen?, says the choreographer Alla Douhova. Ever since 1990, the Todes ballet has been ?crusading? the world for more than 12 years now, enchanting the audiences in the whole of Europe and America, Australia, Israel, China and Japan.

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