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5/9/2003 12:00:00 AM

The largest Bulgarian forum for consumer industy has traditionally attracted broad busines circles from the country and abroad. It was first held in 1981. In 1985, the Spring Fair becomes a member of the Union of International Fairs, UFI. During the past 20 years hundreds of thousands Bulgarian and forein companies have demonstrated and developed their market success at the Spring Fair.
One thousand one hundred and ninety-seven companies from 40 countries participate in the International Consumer Goods and Technologies Fair:
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Holland, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Israel, Japan, Korea, Macedonia, Nepal, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, USA.

Cuba, Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Poland, Turkey.

Association ?Italy Bulgaria? organizes collective participation of companies from Italy.

COMPANIES ? 1197; Bulgarian exhibitors number 751, 420 of which are producers. Foreign companies number 446.

Order of countries, according to the occupied exhibition areas: Bulgaria, Turkey, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Greece, Poland.

The largest number of companies, represented ones inclusive:
Bulgaria, Italy (94), Germany (88), Turkey (57), Czech Republic (36), Hungary, USA, Holland, Sweden.

The successive edition of International Exhibition Pivo, Gastro, Bakery is held within the time period of the Fair. Three hundred and thirty-five companies from 22 countries take part in it.


The largest number of participants belongs to TEXMOD salon, displaying textile, clothes, machines and technologies ? 240 companies from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Turkey, USA.

Eighty-nine companies from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain and Turkey offer building materials.

On display at DOMTECH salon are domestic appliances by 89 companies from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and USA.

Seventy-three companies from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Turkey and USA, which are participants in COSMETICS salon, offer perfumery, cosmetics and utility chemistry.

MEBEL salon hosts 78 companies from Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey and USA.

Seventeen companies from Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Turkey present teaching aids and office equipment; packages and packaging equipment are on display by 42 companies from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Sweden, Turkey and USA. Services and information ? 65 companies from Bulgaria, Cuba, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Poland, Syria and Turkey. Other ? 136 companies.


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MAKAVEYAN DAYS - August 1-12
8/1/2024 9:00:00 AM
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That day back in 791 AD, Bulgarian Army led by Khan Kardam won the battle by the Markella Fortress
The name of Kardam is first encountered in the Byzantine sources in 791, when Emperor Constantine VI embarked on an expedition against Bulgaria
Celebrating the anniversary of Levski birth
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Orthodox Christianity celebrates the day of ST. MARINA on July 17
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 Dog Days
Dog Days
7/15/2024 9:00:00 AM
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ST. PROCOPIUS, the Bee-Keeper
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July 7, 1550: Europeans Discover Chocolate
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