

Bulgaria - 23.04.2003

23.4.2003 г. 0:00:00

Graf Ignatievo-President-CINS network

Graf Ignatievo, April 22
President Georgi Purvanov opened officially a new Communications, Information and Navigation System at the Graf Ingantievo base near Plovdiv.

 Interior Minister Georgi Petkanov handed a report on the state of crime in this country to President Purvanov. The file, given to Purvanov, contains a picture of two ministers and one MP with a businessman believed to represent the underworld, writes "Troud". At least three people, high on the hierarchy of organized crime, will not feature in the report, writes "Dnevnik" on its front page. "Sega" writes that the President and the Prime Minister were given revised versions of the report. "Standart News" quotes Public Administration Minister Dimiter Kalchev as saying that he does not see anything wrong in publicizing the report.
The United Democratic Forces (UDF) will table a no-confidence vote in the government for a third time, the dailies write referring to UDF Deputy Chair Plamen Oresharski. UDF leaders are involved in secret talks with their colleagues of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) for ousting the government, "24 Chassa" writes without naming its source. According to the opposition 15 MPs of the ruling Simeon II National Movement were allegedly
ready to back a no-confidence motion in the government.
"Monitor" runs an interview with UDF deputy leader Vladimir Kissyov in which he says that "UDF is always ready to govern the country".
The dailies write that President Georgi Purvanov unveiled the new communication, information and navigation systems at the Graf Ignatievo Airport. This is the first Bulgarian airport equipped up to NATO standards, "Standart News" says.

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