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Popular tourist routes and sites around Plovdiv

Apart from the beauty of the winding, climbing cobblestone streets of the Old Town, there is still much more to be seen around this modern and ancient city. Enjoy and admire it! All our friends and we always do!

2. Central Square 2. Central Square
2. Central Square
The Central Square with the Sahat Tepe at the back
3.H-l Trimontium Princess 3.H-l Trimontium Princess
3.H-l Trimontium Princess
Hotel Trimontium Princess in the very centre of the city (the picture was taken from the Central Post Office building - you can see it in the foreground)
4. Post Office building 4. Post Office building
4. Post Office building
The Central opposite the Central Garden. In the left corner is the initial part of the Main Street leading up left.
5. Tsar Simeon's Garden 5. Tsar Simeon's Garden
5. Tsar Simeon's Garden
The Central Garden of the city - it is also called Tsar Simeon's Garden. That beautiful place was named after one of the greatest rulers Bulgaria ever had, Tsar Simeon I, who lived 839-927. This park was the first public park in Bulgaria. It was considered a real miracle for the 19th century urban atmosphere - all done by the Swiss gardener Luciene Schevallas, a Court gardener of Napoleon III and of Sultan Abdoul Aziz.
6. Tsar Simeon\\'s Garden 6. Tsar Simeon\\'s Garden
6. Tsar Simeon\\'s Garden
The Central Garden of the city - it is also called Tsar Simeon\\'s Garden.That beautiful place was named after one of the greatest rulers Bulgaria ever had, Tsar Simeon I, who lived 839-927. A son of Prince Boris I. he received his education in the famous Magnaur Academy in Constantinople. Simeon\\'s rule was defined by two main goals: to break away from Byzantine political and religious influence and to turn Bulgaria into a powerful rival of the centuries-old empire. The Bulgarian capital was moved from paganist Pliska to Preslav.
1. The Ancient Forum 1. The Ancient Forum
1. The Ancient Forum
A real open-air exhibition of artifacts from the Ancient Forum built during Roman times in I - II c. AD. These ruins are situated near the Central Post Office building in downtown Plovdiv.
7. The Dzhumaya Mosque 7. The Dzhumaya Mosque
7. The Dzhumaya Mosque
The muslim Dzhumaya Mosque attracts thousands of visitors every year in the very heart of Plovdiv  to see its fine minaret and the sun-dial. The famous mosque is located in the Main Street, right next to the Roman Stadium and very close to the Old Town.
8. Post Office building 8. Post Office building
8. Post Office building
The Central Post Office building
9. The City Hall 9. The City Hall
9. The City Hall
The City Hall in the very centre of the city (the Main Street runs left)
10. Philippopolis Forum 10. Philippopolis Forum
10. Philippopolis Forum
Well preserved details from the Forum of Philippopolis - not far from the Central Post Office building
11. Philippopolis Forum 11. Philippopolis Forum
11. Philippopolis Forum
Well preserved details from the Forum of Philippopolis - not far from the Central Post Office building
12. Roman remains 12. Roman remains
12. Roman remains
Another archaeological site of Roman remains - south of the Central Post Office building facade.
13. Russki Blvd walkway 13. Russki Blvd walkway
13. Russki Blvd walkway
The walkway running in the middle of the Russki Blvd - one of the oldest and most beautiful streets in Plovdiv. You can see a part of the Bunardzhik Tepe hill on your left.
14Agricultural University 14Agricultural University
14Agricultural University
The building of the Plovdiv Agricultural University
15Agricultural University 15Agricultural University
15Agricultural University
The building of the Plovdiv Agricultural University
16.The Unification Square 16.The Unification Square
16.The Unification Square
The Unification Square, also known as "Saedinenie" Sq. ("saedinenie" is the BG word for "unification").
17. Archaeological Museum 17. Archaeological Museum
17. Archaeological Museum
The building of the Plovdiv Archaeological Museum, at 1 “Saedinenie” Sq. The Archaeological museum in Plovdiv is one of the first Bulgarian cultural institutions. It was founded in 1882 as a People’s Museum of Eastern Roumelia. Originally set up as an archaeological and numismatic office-center, it gradually earned the status of Archaeological Museum during the 1920s. In 1928 the museum was moved to its new building at 1 “Saedinenie” Sq., which formerly housed the Revenue Office - possession of the Ministry of Finance.
18An attractive new house 18An attractive new house
18An attractive new house
An attractive new house next to the Ancient Theatre in the Old Town - a beautiful merge of ancient and contemporary.
19. A tennis-court 19. A tennis-court
19. A tennis-court
A tennis-court at the Bounardzhik Tepe hill. If you go to the panoramic photos taken from the very top of the hill (where the Ayosha monument stands), you could easily recognize that tennis-court in the foot of the hill.
20.The Bounardzhik Tepe 20.The Bounardzhik Tepe
20.The Bounardzhik Tepe
An impressive side to look up the Bounardzhik Tepe hill.
22. Novotel Plovdiv Hotel 22. Novotel Plovdiv Hotel
22. Novotel Plovdiv Hotel
The Novotel Plovdiv Hotel, on the left bank (the northern one) of the Maritsa River.
21.The Rowing Canal 21.The Rowing Canal
21.The Rowing Canal
The pedestrian bridge across the Rowing Canal.
23.The Rowing Canal 23.The Rowing Canal
23.The Rowing Canal
Some of the facilities at the Rowing Canal.
24. Maritca Hotel 24. Maritca Hotel
24. Maritca Hotel
The backside of Maritca Hotel, standing on the left (the northern) bank of the Maritsa River - as viewed from the opposite bank of the river.
26. The Leipzig Hotel 26. The Leipzig Hotel
26. The Leipzig Hotel
The Leipzig Hotel, as viewed from the remains of what once used to be one of the seven Plovdiv hills - the Markovo Tepe.
25. The Rowing Canal 25. The Rowing Canal
25. The Rowing Canal
Some of the facilities at the Rowing Canal.
27. The Markovo Tepe 27. The Markovo Tepe
27. The Markovo Tepe
Rock survivals of what once used to be one of the seven Plovdiv hills - the Markovo Tepe.
28Carpentry&Design School 28Carpentry&Design School
28Carpentry&Design School
The buliding of the \\"Hristo Botev\\" Carpentry and Internal Design Vocational School, at 70 Gladstone Str.
29. Economics School 29. Economics School
29. Economics School
The building of the Economics Technical School (the dark red building on the right), at 68 Gladstone Str., right next to the Carpentry and Internal Design Vocational School (the orange one).Opposite is the emplty space of where once used to stand the Markovo tepe - one of the seven hills of Plovdiv. You can see another of the hills - the Bunardzhik Tepe, in the background.
30. The Bounarjik hill 30. The Bounarjik hill
30. The Bounarjik hill
A park in the foot of the Bounarjik hill - situated to the west.
31. The Bounarjik hill. 31. The Bounarjik hill.
31. The Bounarjik hill.
A park in the foot of the Bounarjik hill - situated to the west.