

Forthcoming cultural events in Plovdiv

Forthcoming cultural events in Plovdiv

10.10.2003 00:00:00

(The information is based on publications in the local newspapers)

We would like to inform you about three of the forthcoming cultural events in our city:
  1. The Golden Chest TV Film Festival
The preparation for the 28th edition of the International Golden Chest TV Film Festival has already come to an end. The festival opens on October 18th (Saturday) and closes a week later, on Oct.25th. The international TV film festival is hosted, as usual, by one of the most beautiful Bulgarian cities ? Plovdiv. In the last warm days of the autumn, when the ancient and yet contemporary Plovdiv enjoys the nice sunny days, the luxurious Novotel Plovdiv Hotel will host the festival program events ? inviting everyone to go and enjoy watching the films.
This year, a record-breaking number of TV organizations ? 53, have applied for participation in the festival program. They are coming with 78 TV programs altogether, competing in four different sections. The festival also expects some world-famous actors to come as special guests ? John McCook (Eric) and Bobbie Eakes (Macy) from the famous soap opera ?The Bold and the Beautiful?, as well as Giorgio Bogetti and Vanesa Gravina from the popular Italian TV serial ?Incantesimo? (i.e. Dedication, Devotion).
 The festival program is organized in three sections:
? Section 1 ? TV films and serials for adults
? Section 2  - TV films and serials for kids and teenagers
? Section 3  - TV documentaries
Moreover, a new section has been added this year, called First Steps, for student-films: fiction films, documentaries, cartoon animation. This section is open for participation of film and TV workshops from all over the world.

   2. The new musical ?Max and Moritz?
Simeon Dimitrov is the director of the musical, which is the first performance for the new season of the Plovdiv Opera and Philharmonic Society. The music is by Prof. Alexander Yosifov, and the scenography and costumes - by Lidia Karkelanova. The musical will be conducted by Hristo Mihalev. Tonight, October 10th is the opening night ? at 7 pm, in the City Culture Centre.

   3. Caricatures of famous Plovdiv citizens by Georgi Trifonov, at the Vazrazhdane Art Gallery

The opening of that exhibition, bearing the title ?Guess Who That Is?, is on October 14th at the Vazrazhdane Art Gallery in the Old Town. The author, Georgi Trifonov, is a lecturer at the Art Academy, and possesses unique talent for satire. A very gifted graphic artist, he demonstrates his vision of some famous or not so famous citizens of Plovdiv. According to the gallery owners, Krassie and Sim Alexiev, the chief aim of that exhibition is to make people smile.

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