

2 Important News for Foreign Tourists...

2 Important News for Foreign Tourists...

01.07.2003 00:00:00

1. Regular flights from Sofia to Bourgas 3 times per Week
From July 4 on, Hemus Air airlines will carry out regular flights from Sofia to Bourgas, said Dimitar Pavlov, CEO of the airlines. On Mondays, TU-154 M and YAK-40 will fly off from Bourgas at 9.45 a.m. and will land in Sofia at 10.30 a.m. On Wednesdays, they will fly off from Sofia at 9.30 a.m. and will land in Bourgas at 10.30. On the same days a flight from Bourgas to Sofia will be carried out at 11.30 a.m. On Fridays, the jets will fly off from Sofia at 6.15 p.m. and will land in Bourgas 50 minutes later.

2. Foreign Tourists Trained to Breed Geese Foreigners who are interested in rural tourism are invited to the Gorska Feya (Forest Fairy) hotel nearby the village of Karash, some 20 km away from the town of Roman. An accommodation costs 10 to 14 levs. The hotel is one of a total of 49 old houses and family hotels, comprised by a catalogue for rural holidays. The catalogue was promoted yesterday by the Bulgarian Association for alternative tourism. Each of the sites offers diversity of opportunities to get familiarized with the old Bulgarian ways of life, or rites, or crafts. In the Sveshtarov's house in Osmar one can sample home-made wine. A room there costs 12 levs and a suite 34 levs. From 10 to 30 levs costs a night in the Lopushanski monastery and Assumption monastery in Kurdjali. In an old house in Koprivshtitsa, Triavna or Zheravna a night costs 10 or 15 levs, 20 to 34 levs, and up to 30 levs, respectively. In the village of Bozhentsi an accommodation may cost some 80 levs. In Stomnite, Beli Osum, tourists are trained to dance Bulgarian folk dances. A 24 hour stay there costs 39 levs.

Das Geheimnis des Turiner Grabtuchs
Im sagenumwobenen Turiner Grabtuch wurde angeblich Jesus von Nazareth nach der Kreuzigung begraben. Das Leinen zeigt zumindest etwas, das mit gutem Willen als Abdruck Jesu durchgehen könnte. Wissenschaftler halten es für eine Fälschung.
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