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Today is ATANASOVDEN (St. Athanasius Day)

Today is ATANASOVDEN (St. Athanasius Day)

1/18/2024 8:00:00 AM
January 18 the Orthodox Church honors St. Atanasius The Great - a holiday connected with the New Year?s rites. According to the traditional beliefs, St. Atanasius is the ruler of snow and ice. Dressed in a silk shirt he ascends the mountain, riding his white horse and exclaims: ?Winter, go away; Summer, come again!? That?s why this holiday is also known as the Mid-winter Day. St. Atanasius? Day, just like the preceding St. Anthony?s Day, is a holiday of the blacksmiths, ironmongers, cutters and shoeing smiths. St. Atanasius is the patron of blacksmiths and he symbolizes immortality.

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