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The ?St.George the Victorious? Foundation

The ?St.George the Victorious? Foundation

9/24/2003 12:00:00 AM

(based on a publication in the Maritsa newspaper)
We are looking forward to the unveiling of a Tsanko Lavrenov Monument in the Old Town, thanks to a foundation managed by patriotic Bulgarians. The ?St. George the Victorious? Foundation has financed the construction of three monuments in Plovdiv so far ? the ones of Father Kamen Vitchev, Milyo and Sasho Sladura. The Tsanko Lavrenov monument is going to be their next donation. The sculpture is made by the artist Danko Dankov, who has also done the other three monuments mentioned above. The official unveiling will be on September 28th, at 11 am. The figure of Tsanko Lavrenov is made of bronze, weighs more than 500 kg and is more than 2.5 m high, and he will welcome the Old Town?s guests in his usual posture ? sitting and drawing. That is how the sculptor ?saw? the eminent Bulgarian artist.
The ?St.George the Victorious? Foundation was founded by the former Plovdiv resident, Dr. Georgi Lazarov, who has been living for many years in the US. For several years now, the home-sick surgeon, has dedicated himself to popularizing the Plovdiv artistic world (the so-called ?bohemians?). He is arriving for the official ceremony this coming Friday.
Three years ago he gave an award of 10,000 US dollars to the composer Krassimir Kyurkchijski, for his ?Rhapsody in 7/8?. Now, Dr. Lazarov will bring a new gift to the citizens of Plovdiv ? he is going to personally give the award to the new laureate of the National Symphony Piece Competition called ?Ballet Music in 7/8?. The start of the competition is set for the date declared as an International Day of Music, October 1st, and will take place at 7 pm in the Opera-Philharmonic Society Hall. The concert will be conducted by Charles Niedich, a New York guest-conductor. The audience will decide live who the winners are. The first place winner will receive a 6,000 US dollars award, the second ? 3,000 USD and the third ? 1,000 USD.
Prof. Charles Niedich is an eminent clarinet-player and a conductor, teaching at Julliard School, Manhattan School and Yale University. According to Dr. Lazarov, Prof. Niedich is a charming personality of Renaissance culture, and the Plovdiv audience will have the unique opportunity to enjoy his talent. The gala-concert by the laureates will be in the ?Bulgaria? Hall in Sofia, October 3rd, at 7 pm.

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