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The Pamporovo Mountain Resort
9/4/2003 12:00:00 AM
Information about the resort based on the Pamporovo Info Centre:
Location: the Central Rhodopes
Altitude: 1650 m
Closest peak: Snezhanka Peak (1926 m)
Proximity to a big city: Plovdiv, 85 km
Average annual temperature: 8.5 C
Telephone code: 03021
Telephones for reservations: 8242, 8348, 8364
Fax number: 8364
Number of ski tracks: 8
Number of beds altogether for the resort: over 2500
The article by Slavka Radicheva in the today?s edition of the Maritsa Newspaper gives the following valuable information: The number of ions in Pamporovo is three to four times higher than alongside the seawater. For some 10 minutes the phytoncide belt surrounding the resort destroys all the disease-causing microorganisms. The beautiful scenery itself acts as a powerful healing factor to the nervous system. The climate-therapy has its best effect from June to September.
All that information found its place in the newly published book ?Pamporovo ? 70 years? by four Chepelare-based authors, which was presented to the audience yesterday as part of the 70th anniversary celebrations. A two-day event dedicated to the culture tourism took place with the participation of foreign experts. The message expressed by Andres Estirado from Spain, a culture-tourism tour operator, was the following: ?Don?t lose your identity, respect your monuments, your culture, your language, and do all the necessary for the rest to respect you?.
His warning was that 5 years from now Bulgaria will not get funding but pay taxes to the EU, therefore all the money acquired today should be very efficiently used.
BIRTH OF THE HOLY MOTHER (also known as “Nativity of the Theotokos”)
9/8/2024 8:00:00 AM
According to the traditional celebration of the birth of the Holy Mother, on the eve of the holiday the ones that are sick and ailing should make a votive oath.
Anniversary of the Unification of Bulgaria
9/6/2024 8:00:00 AM
The Unification of Bulgaria was the act of unification of the Principality of Bulgaria and the then-Ottoman province of Eastern Rumelia in the autumn of 1885.
St Simeon,s Day
9/1/2024 8:00:00 AM
Name day of everyone named Simeon, Simona or Marta (although Marta would rather celebrate on March 1).
SEKNOVENIE / EQUINOX (also known as Black Saint John)
8/29/2024 8:00:00 AM
People honor this day as the Equinox (meaning even day, i.e. the length of the day equals the length of the night).
Anniversary of the death of Tsar Boris III
8/28/2024 9:00:00 AM
Tsar Boris III of Bulgaria (January 30, 1894 - August 28, 1943), originally Boris Klemens Robert Maria Pius Ludwig Stanislaus Xaver, son of Ferdinand I, came to the throne in 1918 upon the abdication ...
On August 27 1885 Aleko Konstantinov organized a group of 300 people who climbed the Cherni Vrah peak
8/27/2024 10:42:00 AM
Aleko Konstantinov - Keen tourist and founder of the tourism movement in Bulgaria – on August 27 1885 he organized a group of 300 people who climbed the Cherni Vrah peak 2290m (near Sofia), giving rise to the mass tourist organization.
SAMUEL, Prophet
8/20/2024 8:00:00 AM
The day of Prophet Samuel - Name day of everyone named Samuil.
St. IVAN RILSKI (also known as St John of Rila)
8/18/2024 8:00:00 AM
St Ivan Rilski had lived in many places until he finally settled in the wonderful Rila Mountain where he founded a monastery that has been existing until now, for more than 1000 years.
SVETA BOGORODITSA (Holy Virgin Marys Day)
8/15/2024 8:31:00 AM
The Orthodox Church names this day Dormition of the Theotokos, also known in Eastern Orthodox world as Assumption Day or Holy Virgin Marys Day
Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ
8/6/2024 7:43:00 AM
August 6th, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ.