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St Simeon,s Day

St Simeon,s Day

9/1/2024 8:00:00 AM

Name day of everyone named Simeon, Simona or Marta (although Marta would rather celebrate on March 1).

This is the beginning of the so called agricultural New Year. That day the autumn sowing starts all over Bulgaria. Early in the morning the housewife cleans the house, scrubs the wooden floor with wood ashes, takes the clothes out to air into the sun, sweeps the grain in the barn. It is believed that if the house is clean, the grain will be of good quality during the next year.

Then she kneads a ritual round loaf, as the cloth through which the water is strained, is soaked in St. George's Day dew. With this bread she is supposed to feed the oxen and the man of the house. Then she puts the oxen into the harness and decorates their horns with a lit candle and small round buns with red ribbons on. She throws a plate of wheat in front of the animals, wheat from the one incensed on the Voditsi Feastday, and the rest is mixed with the grain ready for sowing - to put strength in it. She puts a red egg in the bushel, which she has kept from Easter - the red egg should be buried in the first furrow in the field for fertility.

Everyone named Simeon has their name day on that day. The name Simeon comes from the Hebrew "Shimon" (Simon), which means hearing of the wish.

Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of St. Simeon the Stylite that day. According to his life story, he was born in Asia Minor. At the age of 18 he went to a monastery, but he later built a stone pillar and remained living on top of it in complete seclusion. He died at the age of 103.


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