Current News

Current News

Hundreds to Observe the Mars' Radiance

Hundreds to Observe the Mars' Radiance

8/26/2003 12:00:00 AM
  The observation of the Great Alignment of Mars and the Earth with the 15-cm telescope in the planetarium in Smolyan town will start from today on. The doors of the biggest planetarium in this country will be opened for visitors at 9:30 p.m. for two weeks, except for August 30 and 31. Teams of physicists and astronomers on duty will serve the telescope and will explain the peculiarities of the curious phenomenon. The entrance will be free of charge for all visitors. Many bookings for the night observations have been made in the National Astronomical Observatory on the Rozhen Peak. The observatory is the biggest in the South-Eastern Europe. If the weather is not cloudy, every person keen on astronomy will be given the chance to observe the phenomenon for an hour, after 10 p.m. against a ticket of 5 levs. The climax of the phenomenon falls on August 27 and 28. The smaller telescope has already been fixed under the dome of the observatory. The biggest telescope available in the observatory is 2 meters in diameter. It has a magnification of 250 times, but only professional astronomers will be allowed to use it. The picture of the phenomenon will be the same till September 20, because the two planets will drift away from each other very slowly.
MESNI ZAGOVEZNI (Meat Fasting Day)
MESNI ZAGOVEZNI (Meat Fasting Day)
3/10/2024 11:00:00 AM
Mesni Zagovezni (Meat Fasting Day) - celebrated 8 Sundays before Easter. After the All Souls; Day (Goliama Zadoushnitsa) on Saturday, the following day, Sunday, people celebrate the Orthodox Chur...
Today is the Holocaust Day and the Victims of Crimes against Humanity Day
Bulgaria commemorates today “The Holocaust Day and the Victims of Crimes against Humanity Day”, appointed by a decree of the BG Ministerial Council on Feb.13th, 2003, which was celebrated for the first time ever that same year.
International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day
3/8/2024 9:00:00 AM
Bulgaria marks The International Women’s Day – March 8
March 3rd - the National Day of Bulgaria
What happened on that day and how long has it been celebrated? The San Stefano Peace Treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire was signed on February 19th (March 3rd, ...
Today is the BABA MARTA DAY
Today is the BABA MARTA DAY
3/1/2024 8:00:00 AM
If you by any chance visit Bulgaria on the first day of March you are certain to notice almost every person decorated with small tokens made from red and white woollen threads.
Anniversary of the death of Vassil Levski
Today is the 148th anniversary of the death of one of the greatest fighters for Bulgarian independence during the period of the Ottoman oprresion
 Bulgarians Celebrate Love of Wine and Each Other
As lovers celebrate St Valentine's Day, many Bulgarians insist February 14 should be reserved for a traditional Bulgarian celebration - the feast of St. Trifon Zarezan.
ST.VLASSIOS/ BLASSIOS (also Hieromartyr Blaise)
Name day of Vlasso
ST. HARALAMBOS (Charalambos) the Martyr
Name day of everyone named Haralampij, Haralambi, Hari, Harry, Valentin/a, Valery, Valeria.
2/2/2024 9:00:00 AM
The Feast of the Meeting of the Lord is among the most ancient feasts of the Christian Church.