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Hundreds to Observe the Mars' Radiance
8/26/2003 12:00:00 AM
The observation of the Great Alignment of Mars and the Earth with the 15-cm telescope in the planetarium in Smolyan town will start from today on. The doors of the biggest planetarium in this country will be opened for visitors at 9:30 p.m. for two weeks, except for August 30 and 31. Teams of physicists and astronomers on duty will serve the telescope and will explain the peculiarities of the curious phenomenon. The entrance will be free of charge for all visitors. Many bookings for the night observations have been made in the National Astronomical Observatory on the Rozhen Peak. The observatory is the biggest in the South-Eastern Europe. If the weather is not cloudy, every person keen on astronomy will be given the chance to observe the phenomenon for an hour, after 10 p.m. against a ticket of 5 levs. The climax of the phenomenon falls on August 27 and 28. The smaller telescope has already been fixed under the dome of the observatory. The biggest telescope available in the observatory is 2 meters in diameter. It has a magnification of 250 times, but only professional astronomers will be allowed to use it. The picture of the phenomenon will be the same till September 20, because the two planets will drift away from each other very slowly.
Excursions in Bulgaria ? Sights:
9/26/2003 12:00:00 AM
-Zheravna-Museum,Art gallery,the Yordan Yovkovs own house,the St.Nikolai church(1834)-Kotel-The Museum of History,Natural Science and Etnography museum;110 houses ?Architecture of the Bulgarian...
?Association for Plovdiv?
9/25/2003 12:00:00 AM
(Information taken from the Maritsa newspaper)The ?Association for Plovdiv? will organize a series of events related to business support. The decision was taken at the yesterday?s meeting of th...
The ?St.George the Victorious? Foundation
9/24/2003 12:00:00 AM
(based on a publication in the Maritsa newspaper)We are looking forward to the unveiling of a Tsanko Lavrenov Monument in the Old Town, thanks to a foundation managed by patriotic Bulgarians. T...
The first winners of the ?Town of Chirpan and the Nikola Manev Gallery? Award
9/23/2003 12:00:00 AM
There are quite a few persons the town of Chirpan is so proud of. Here, in 1940, the famous artist Nikola Manev was born. Ever since 1964 he has been working in France, where he graduated from the ...
KEO - the project of the 21st century
9/20/2003 12:00:00 AM
Based on publication in the ?24 Hours? Newspaper:Messages from all over the world are going to be sent on a satellite to the space, and after a period of 50,000 years they will get back to Eart...
?Techno polis? in Plovdiv
9/19/2003 12:00:00 AM
Today, September 19th 2003, the largest hypermarket specialized for electric appliances, ?Techno polis?, opened in Plovdiv. Situated at 7,700 sq.m., right next to the ?Metro? hypermarket, it is the...
Plovdiv ? a leading bodybuilding power in the last few years
9/17/2003 12:00:00 AM
(Based on a publication in the Maritsa newspaper)The Plovdiv Bodybuilding and Fitness Club called ?Muscle Art?, with the president Kim Merdzhanov, became the champion of the republic for the fi...
European mobility week (September 16th ? 22nd)
9/16/2003 12:00:00 AM
The news from the Environmental Ministry:A Green cell phone number is introduced: 048 1222. People can get in touch in case of any kind of ecological contamination that calls for emergent inter...
Will Plovdiv ever be connected into a direct gas supply system?
9/15/2003 12:00:00 AM
Today is the first school day for all the students in Bulgaria. Therefore, today is a good day to draw a conclusion about what we all have done or intend to do for the young people, so that they wi...
Mayor elections in Plovdiv
9/12/2003 12:00:00 AM
The today?s issue of the Maritsa Newspaper presents the eleven candidates that will compete in the local elections for a mayor of Plovdiv. They are:1. Dr Ivan Chomakov ? Union of the Democ...