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Anniversary of the birth of Baba Vanga, the world-famous BG prophet and clairvoyant

Anniversary of the birth of Baba Vanga, the world-famous BG prophet and clairvoyant

1/31/2024 9:00:00 AM

Baba Vanga, born Vangelia Goushterova, (31 January 1911 - 11 August 1996) was a famous Bulgarian prophet that lived in the Rupite area in Rila Mountain, Bulgaria.

Today many people know about Vanga, the Bulgarian prophet. Her gift is even in her name, which makes many wonder: translated from Greek, Vangelia means Herald of the Blessed Word. Vanga, truly, how was written in one newspaper, is ?the most fantastic reality and the most enigmatic truth?. Her talent of prophecy has thrown many into shock. Her gifts are unique, she has the gift to foresee, clairvoyance, and she could talk with flowers, visit different places on the earth. She saw much, even though she was blind, and her face emanated light.

Vanga was born and lived in Bulgaria in the town of Petrich. During her childhood, she was an ordinary girl and did not know about her gifts. The life of Vanga is like the lives of the Saints, although it's hard to imagine that an earth-born could stand such calamities like the ones that happened to the poor Bulgarian prophet. In the First World War her father was drafted into the Bulgarian Army, and her mother died when she was too young. The young girl depended on the neighbours for a long time. Vanga was smart, with blue eyes and blond hair. When she was young, she loved every subject having its own place. Her gifts were hidden somewhere deep inside her. She herself thought out games and loved playing ?healing? ? she prescribed her friends some herbs. When Vanga was 11 years old, she thought out a strange game, which seemed dangerous to her father. Vanga put something on the street or in the house, then put her hands on her eyes imitating blindness, and began to searching for it. Although her father prohibited playing blind, she continued.

Her father being a widower, married eventually a good woman and gave a stepmother to his daughter. Her father was an animal-farmer, and she had to drive the milk-can. Once, there was a big storm. The sky was dark, the wind was blowing and it rooted up the trees. The storm wind lifted Vanga up and threw her in the field. She was found after a long search. She was very frightened, and her eyes were covered with sand and dust, so she couldn?t open them; she was in great pain. No healing gave results. There were no money for operation, and her eyesight was failing. Vanga was crying, begging God for a miracle. Then, she did not know that the miracle had already happened.

In 1925 Vanga was driven to the Blind House, where she spent 3 years. After the death of her second mother she had to go back home, to take care of her little brothers and sisters. Her family was very poor. The day was filled with work, and the night ? with tears. The supernatural gifts of Vanga appeared step-by-step, nobody noticed the date of their coming, but many had remembered later, how she helped her father find a sheep stolen from the flock. She simply described the yard, where the sheep was hidden. Everybody was astonished, and Vanga said that she dreamt of it. She herself noticed that she had dreams about bad events and then they became real. Her talent was developed mostly in the years of the Wars. Desperate, sad people went to her seeking a few calming words or any hint where their relatives died.

Her older brother Vasil joined a partisan party. Vanga cried and begged him not to go, telling him that he would be killed at the age of 23. But Vasil did not believe her. He went in June and in October he surrendered to the Germans. He was tortured, and then executed.

Vanga explained her extraordinary abilities with the presence of invisible creatures but she couldn?t explain their origin. They gave her this information about people, which she could not transmit to them, because distance and time didn't matter. The life of everyone standing in front of her, was like a film for her, from birth till death. But to make something to change this, what was written ?on the generation?, was not in her power. Beyond prophecy Vanga understood, that she could heal illness, but only with herbal medicines. She prescribed washing with infusion from herbs and spices, because they heal better through the skin. Vanga did not ever say anything against mainstream medicine, although she thought that taking too much medicine is bad, because ?they close the doors, through which nature restores the balance in the body with herbs?.

Herbs and flowers were here favorite medicines. In the medicine Vanga made a huge place for them. But she said that people had to heal themselves only with the herbs from the country they live in. Her prescriptions helped many people. Vanga was not afraid of death. She told that there is no death: ?I have told you, that after death the body decomposes, like everything alive, but a part of the body ? the soul, or something I don?t know how to call it, does not decompose. You talk about second birth. I do not know what it is. But what remains from a man - it's the soul. It does not decompose, and continues to develop to reach higher states. This is the eternity of soul.? (part of a conversation with a theatre man)

Many witnesses remembered about the contacts Vanga made with dead people. A man asked her why she is talking about his dead mother, and she replied: ?You have not taken it with you. They come on their own, because for them, I am a door to this world. When somebody comes to me, his dead relatives are around him, ask me questions and answer, and I only tell the living what I heard?. Vanga never allowed anybody to seek revenge. She believed that a man is born to make good. No bad thing ever remains unpunished. It is always punished and if it does not affect the man who made the wrong, it affects his children. Vanga made prophesies of newborn or unborn children. She saw and talked to people, who died 100, 200 and more years ago. As the scientists say - this is the most fantastic of the prophecy.

Vanga talked about the future, although she did not like to. In her words: in 200 years man will make contact with brothers in mind from other worlds. She even said that many aliens have been living on the earth for years. Where they came from? From the planet, which in their language is called WAMFIM. This is the third planet from the Earth. Not so long ago, Vanga left this world. But she left a good memory of her. She died on the 11 August 1996. Vanga knew the date exactly, and before she died she said, that a gift like hers was received by a 10-year old blind girl living in France and that we will soon hear about her.

Info taken from Wikipedia (Author of the article: Natalia Baltzun , RUSSIA; Translation: Kristina Hristova, Bulgaria)

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